JURALIANSI: Jurnal Lingkup Anak Usia Dini https://ejournal.alqolam.ac.id/index.php/JURALIANSI <p>Juraliansi is a journal that contains all research results in scientific fields under the supervision of the Faculty of Tarbiyah, AL-Qolam University, Malang. focused on early childhood education study programs. Juraliansi has a complexity of focus and scope to actualize theoretical and practical techniques objectively by researchers. As well as, reviewing research problem findings that are scope of updating.</p> en-US juraliansi@alqolam.ac.id (Nikmahtul Khoir Tri Yulia) info@alqolam.ac.id (Hasbulloh Huda) Thu, 28 Nov 2024 09:20:30 +0000 OJS http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/tech/rss 60 PENINGKATAN KEMAMPUAN KREATIVITAS SENI MELALUI PEMBELAJARAN FINGER PAINTING PADA KELOMPOK B DI RA SHALAHUDDIN BLAYU WAJAK-MALANG https://ejournal.alqolam.ac.id/index.php/JURALIANSI/article/view/1078 <p><em>Artistic creativity is one of the most important aspects in a child's development. Therefore, it requires a fun learning concept, namely finger painting. The purpose of the study was to describe the form and results of increasing artistic creativity abilities through finger painting learning. The research methodology used was classroom action research with a mix-method research type. As well as, data collection techniques, including observation, interviews, and documentation. Data analysis was carried out based on data obtained in each cycle. The results of the study and discussion showed that children's artistic creativity is able to train exploration in making clear visualization patterns of image shapes. The results of the study of artistic creativity in cycle I reached 69.67%. Meanwhile, artistic creativity in cycle II reached 84.09% through finger painting learning using poster paint colors, color caryons, food colors, mixing color porridge and food colors, pencil strokes, and color sprays. Here, children will be introduced to techniques that use hands and without hands. This means that researchers instruct them to use brushes, color sprays, and pencils to create image patterns. The conclusion of the study is that finger painting learning can help children improve their skills in the field of artistic abilities by making clear image patterns and colors. Thus, training children's basic skills from an early age will be a provision in the development period such as understanding the shape of the picture pattern visually. Finger painting learning can explore aspects of child development and is very suitable to be introduced at the sensory motor age level in children.</em></p> Husniatul Ilmi, Ratih Permata Sari Copyright (c) 2024 Husniatul Ilmi, Ratih Permata Sari https://ejournal.alqolam.ac.id/index.php/JURALIANSI/article/view/1078 Thu, 14 Nov 2024 00:00:00 +0000 PENINGKATAN KECERDASAN KINESTETIK MELALUI PERMAINAN GAMES BALL PADA ANAK USIA 4-5 TAHUN DI RA DAARUL MUTTAQIN BANTUR-MALANG https://ejournal.alqolam.ac.id/index.php/JURALIANSI/article/view/1539 <p><em>Games are one of the easy-to-apply learning techniques such as ball games. This game applies six techniques in early childhood kinesthetic learning. The purpose of this study was to describe the form and results of kinesthetic learning through ball games in children aged 4-5 years. The research methodology used is "Classroom Action Research" or classroom action research. Where, researchers will provide treatment in the learning process through several stages, namely the pre-cycle or experimental stage, cycle one, and cycle two by implementing three meetings in each cycle. Data collection techniques that will be used include observation, interviews, and documentation. By using mixmethod data analysis. The results of the study and discussion show that ball games use six techniques, including catching, throwing, bouncing, bouncing, kicking, and rolling. The technique is complex in improving children's kinesthetic abilities through the concept of outdoor learning. The learning methods used are competitive and cooperative. The results of data validation include a 61.8% increase in kinesthetics in the third meeting in cycle one with the technique of learning to kick through ball games. Meanwhile, the data of cycle two with a percentage of 89.7% of kinesthetic ability with rolling techniques through ball games. Thus, mastering learning devices is effective, creative and innovative. So that children are much more interested in following kinesthetic learning optimally.</em></p> Ari Rohmania, Afifatu Rohmawati Copyright (c) 2024 Ari Rohmania, Afifatu Rohmawati https://ejournal.alqolam.ac.id/index.php/JURALIANSI/article/view/1539 Thu, 14 Nov 2024 00:00:00 +0000 EFEKTIVITAS ADMINISTRASI PESERTA DIDIK TERHADAP KUALITAS PENDIDIKAN ANAK USIA DINI DI RA KARTINI 09 BUMIAJI BATU-MALANG https://ejournal.alqolam.ac.id/index.php/JURALIANSI/article/view/1424 <p><em>This study is based on the effectiveness of student administration on the quality of early childhood education. This study focuses on student administration, with the aim of knowing the management of student administration on the quality of early childhood education at RA Kartini 09 Bumiaji. The research used a qualitative research approach with a qualitative phenomenological research type. Data collection techniques used observation/surveys, interviews, and documentation. Data analysis used data triangulation. The results of the study showed that student administration management plays an important role in the quality of early childhood education, as evidenced by the increasing number of students, increasing facilities and infrastructure and increasing the welfare of educators and education personnel at the institution. The quality of education presented is based on national education standards. In addition, the effectiveness of data management is carried out very well. The conclusion of the study is that data administration is carried out according to the needs of the institution's management. Also, the evaluation process is carried out periodically. Thus, the effectiveness of student administration will always be evaluated to improve the quality of early childhood education in the long term. In addition, the welfare of early childhood education teachers is an important point that needs to be considered by the Ministry of Education in Indonesia.</em></p> Athalia Tri Wastiqah, Muslikah; Eko Setiawan Copyright (c) 2024 athalia tri wastiqah, Muslikah; Eko Setiawan https://ejournal.alqolam.ac.id/index.php/JURALIANSI/article/view/1424 Thu, 14 Nov 2024 00:00:00 +0000 PERBEDAAN KEMANDIRIAN ANAK USIA DINI DITINJAU DARI SUBYEK PENGASUH (ORANGTUA DAN KAKEK NENEK) DI TK DHARMA WANITA PERSATUAN 1 SRIMULYO DAMPIT-MALANG https://ejournal.alqolam.ac.id/index.php/JURALIANSI/article/view/1560 <p>When parents are working, parenting turns to grandparents, they want their children to grow and develop into independent individuals. In Dharma Wanita Persatuan 1 Srimulyo Kindergarten, it is known that 30% of children are cared for by grandparents and 70% of children are cared for by their parents.This research uses quantitative method with descriptive research type. The sampling technique used was purposive sampling technique. This study used a sample of early childhood in TK Dharma Wanita Persatuan 1 Srimulyo Village who were cared for by their parents and grandparents. The data analysis method of this research is using statistical analysis with the help of the SPSS program.The results showed that most of the independence levels of children who were cared for by parents at Dharma Wanita Persatuan 1 Srimulyo Kindergarten had moderate independence, and most of the independence levels of children raised by grandparents had high independence.The results of this study obtained data that the average value of the independence of children who are cared for by parents is 255.07 and those who are cared for by grandparents is 276.16 then Ho is rejected, which means there is a significant difference between the independence of early childhood who are cared for by parents. and independence of early childhood who are cared for by grandparents. The value of the level of independence of early childhood who is cared for by grandparents is higher than that of early childhood who is cared for by parents.</p> Nilta Amala, Nurhayati Copyright (c) 2024 Nilta Amala, Nurhayati https://ejournal.alqolam.ac.id/index.php/JURALIANSI/article/view/1560 Mon, 25 Nov 2024 00:00:00 +0000 ANALISIS DAMPAK NUTRISI TEHADAP STUNTING PADA ANAK USIA DINI DI KB TUNAS COMDECA LEBAKHARJO AMPELGADING-MALANG https://ejournal.alqolam.ac.id/index.php/JURALIANSI/article/view/1564 <p><em>Fulfillment and introduction of nutrition to prevent stunting, adequate nutritional intake is very much needed by children for the process of normal and optimal child growth and development. The purpose of the analysis of the impact of nutrition on stunting at KB Tunas Comdeca. Researchers use qualitative narrative-descriptive research methods in describing the results of data through observation, interview, and documentation activities that researchers have conducted for 3 months. The focus of research on this project is so that children at an early age can avoid stunting and other chronic diseases such as obesity and malnutrition. The results of this analysis activity, parents provide healthy food every day to children according to the number of portions of food for children per serving, and schools will also make the nutrition improvement program a stunting prevention program at school. and collaborate with the integrated health post. For the development of children who experience stunting, they must use regular medical check-ups on every integrated health post agenda and carry out complete immunizations which are carried out once a month, and at school, activities to check weight, height, and LILA measurements are carried out once every 3 months so that children's growth and development can be detected periodically. The related suggestion from this study is that nutrition can be used as the main program in learning and can be communicated.</em></p> Yayuk Susanti, Nikmahtul Khoir Tri Yulia Copyright (c) 2024 Yayuk Susanti, Nikmahtul Khoir Tri Yulia https://ejournal.alqolam.ac.id/index.php/JURALIANSI/article/view/1564 Tue, 26 Nov 2024 00:00:00 +0000 MENINGKATKAN KETERAMPILAN SOSIAL ANAK MELALUI METODE BERMAIN PERAN PADA KELOMPOK B TK DWP 3 SUKODONO DAMPIT-MALANG https://ejournal.alqolam.ac.id/index.php/JURALIANSI/article/view/1565 <p><em>The social skills of children in Kindergarten DWP 3 Sukodono Group B need to be improved. Children are still not used to communicating with other children, children are more quiet, children only want to talk when asked. The purpose of this study was to improve children's social skills through the role-playing method in Group B of Kindergarten DWP 3 Sukodono, Dampit District, Malang Regency. This study used qualitative research with the PTK or Classroom Action Research approach. Integrating the role-playing method into children's daily activities can be an effective way to help them grow and develop socially through the role-playing method. The results showed that in the pre-cycle assessment activities reached 47.5%, social skills activities through the role-playing method reached 62.27% located in cycle one at the third meeting and cycle two reached 76.36% at the third meeting exploring communication skills through the play method. The research data can be concluded that the role-playing method is effective in improving children's social skills by allowing children to enter different roles, they learn to understand the world from another person's perspective, develop empathy, and. The hope is to improve children's social skills through role-playing methods with effective learning that is centered on students.</em></p> Fitriyatul Umah, Evi Nurhalimah Copyright (c) 2024 Fitriyatul Umah, Evi Nurhalimah https://ejournal.alqolam.ac.id/index.php/JURALIANSI/article/view/1565 Wed, 27 Nov 2024 00:00:00 +0000 MENINGKATKAN KEMAMPUAN MENGENAL ANGKA MELALUI PERMAINAN SMART HEAD ANAK USIA DINI DI TK ABA 32 AMPELGADING DAMPIT-MALANG https://ejournal.alqolam.ac.id/index.php/JURALIANSI/article/view/1568 <p><em>Children's cognitive abilities in early childhood tend to be lacking due to the ineffectiveness and appropriateness of the learning methods used by teachers. The purpose of this study is to describe the implementation or application of the Smart Head game in ABA 32 Ampelgading Kindergarten. This study uses the Classroom Action Research (CAR) method consisting of cycle I and Cycle II which are implemented in ABA 32 Ampelang Kindergarten. This study has 4 stages, namely planning, implementation, observation, and reflection. Data are obtained through observation results and children's test score data. Data collection techniques use interviews, observation, and documentation. Data analysis techniques include qualitative and quantitative data. The results of the study showed that in cycle I the ability to recognize numbers in children was still low, but after implementing the Smart Head game in cycle I for 3 meetings, a percentage of 49.2% was obtained. For children's ability to recognize numbers, there has been an increase but it is still below average. Because in cycle I it still has not reached the average, it is continued to cycle II. In cycle II which was implemented for 3 meetings, there was an increase in the percentage of 100%. It can be concluded that cycle I and cycle II experienced an increase, so there was an increase in the ability to recognize numbers in early childhood through the Smart Head game at ABA 32 Ampelang Kindergarten with a percentage of 100% with very good criteria.</em></p> Aisyah Nindi Antika, Fitrotul Hikmah Copyright (c) 2024 Aisyah Nindi Antika, Fitrotul Hikmah https://ejournal.alqolam.ac.id/index.php/JURALIANSI/article/view/1568 Thu, 28 Nov 2024 00:00:00 +0000