Language Teaching Journal Systems<p>English Language Teaching Journal is a journal which covers any research result on teaching and learning education area which is under English Education Department supervision of University of AL-Qolam Malang.</p> <p>This Journal covers the area of Teaching learning in Indonesia and the science of Teaching Learning at English Education in such areas of First and Second Language Teaching and Learning, Language in Education, Language Planning, Language Testing, Curriculum Design and Development, Multilingualism and Multilingual Education, Discourse Analysis, Systemic and Functional Grammar, Translation, Prose Analysis, Drama Analysis and Poetry Analysis.</p> <p>This journal publishes articles biannually in September and March.</p> Genre Approach to Writing: A Socially Contextualized Pedagogy for Effective Instruction2024-12-22T06:27:51+00:00Mustapha<p>This article examines the genre approach to writing pedagogy, which emphasizes writing as a social activity shaped by conventions and purposes specific to different genres. Unlike process-based approaches that focus primarily on cognitive processes, the genre approach highlights how writers use particular genres to fulfill social functions and communicate effectively with distinct audiences. The article explores the theoretical foundations of genre theory and its application in writing instruction, comparing it with process-oriented models. It explains how the genre approach shifts the focus from individual writing processes to the external conventions that govern textual production across various contexts. The article also provides an overview of three key genre-based pedagogies: the Sydney School, English for Specific Purposes (ESP), and the New Rhetoric Group (NRG). Each pedagogy offers a distinct perspective on how genres should be taught, from analyzing discourse structures to focusing on social contexts and purposes. Practical classroom implications are discussed, including strategies for genre-based teaching cycles, text analysis, and collaborative writing activities. The article concludes by advocating for the integration of genre pedagogy into writing instruction, emphasizing its potential to enhance students' writing skills, raise genre awareness, and help learners adapt to diverse communicative contexts. Despite critiques of its prescriptiveness, the genre approach is seen as a valuable tool for fostering effective writing and critical thinking.</p> <p><em>Keyword: Genre Approach, Writing Pedagogy, ESP, Sydney School, New Rhetoric, genre-</em><em>based teaching</em></p>2025-03-02T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 English Language Teaching Journal MEANING IN ALAN WALKER'S SONG "HERO": A SEMANTIC APPROACH2025-01-06T17:02:16+00:00Ahmad Kiromahmadkiromm@gmail.comFX<p>This study aims to describe the connotative meaning of the lyrics of the song "Hero" by Alan Walker using a descriptive qualitative approach. This research describes the phenomenon in depth in song lyrics to understand the implicit messages and connotative meanings contained in them. The main source of data is the lyric text "Hero" obtained from the official digital platform. The data was analyzed through the identification of key words, exploration of denotative and connotative meanings, and association with the main theme of the song. The results of the study show that songwriters use various elements of connotative language to convey messages about struggle, hope, courage, and solidarity in facing life's challenges. The connotative meaning in the lyrics of this song reinforces the main theme about the strength of the individual and the importance of collaboration in achieving common goals. This research contributes to understanding how linguistic elements in song lyrics can construct connotative meanings that are relevant to the emotional, social, and cultural context of the listener.</p> <p><em>Keywords: connotative meaning, song lyrics, HERO, Alan Walker</em></p>2025-03-02T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 English Language Teaching Journal English in Indonesia's Digital Culture: A Library Research on Online Islamic Communities 2024-12-28T23:07:50+00:00Sri Mulyanisrimulyani13798@gmail.comHanung<p>This study examines the role of Islamic English in shaping Indonesia's digital culture, particularly within online Islamic communities. The objective of the research is to explore how Islamic English facilitates digital da’wah, enhances intercultural dialogue, supports informal language learning, and contributes to identity formation in Indonesia's digital spaces. A qualitative approach was employed, analyzing 11 selected articles to identify key themes and trends related to the integration of Islamic English into digital communication. The study finds that Islamic English plays a central role in transforming religious communication by bridging linguistic divides, enabling effective dissemination of Islamic teachings across cultural and geographical boundaries. Additionally, it enhances identity formation among Indonesian youth by providing a tool for self-expression that reflects both local and global Muslim identities. Islamic English also supports informal language learning, particularly in religious and educational contexts, by fostering dual linguistic and cognitive development. The study concludes that Islamic English is a vital element in Indonesia’s digital culture, shaping religious discourse, identity, and informal learning while enhancing the reach of digital da’wah.</p> <p><em>Keywords:</em><em> Islamic English, digital da’wah, intercultural dialogue, informal language learning, identity formation</em></p>2025-03-02T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 English Language Teaching Journal ANALYSIS OF ENGLISH DEIXIS USED IN “ LIGHT SWITCH” SONG LYRIC BY CHARLIE PUTH2025-03-07T10:19:18+00:00Budik<p>This research investigates the use of English deixis in the lyrics of "Light Switch" by Charlie Puth. As a key linguistic element, deixis is crucial for interpreting meaning in communication. The study aims to identify the types of deixis present in the lyrics and analyze their functions. Adopting a descriptive qualitative approach, the research focuses on three primary types of deixis: person deixis, spatial deixis, and temporal deixis..The findings reveal that person deixis dominates the lyrics, with a total of 70 occurrences, followed by temporal deixis (3 occurrences) and spatial deixis (2 occurrences). The frequent use of person deixis, especially the pronouns "I" and "you," suggests a strong emphasis on personal interaction and emotional expression in the song. The study concludes that deixis in song lyrics plays a significant role in conveying the intended message, emotions, and meaning.</p> <p><em>Keywords: deixis, song lyric, pragmatics.</em></p>2025-03-07T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 English Language Teaching Journal Word Inductive Model (PWIM) for Increasing Students’ Vocabulary Mastery at SMP An-Nashr<p>The data of this research were taken from tests (pre-test, and post-test). This test was done to know the differences of students’ achievement before and after teaching and learning using Picture Word Inductive Model (PWIM). Further, this research employed two cycles in which each cycle consisted of three meeting. In each cycle the students were given test (cycle 1 and cycle 2). To analyse the data, the proportion of correct answers was divided by the total scores. The aspects assessed include understanding meaning, use in sentences, vocabulary variety, vocabulary pronunciation, and use in context. The finding of this research revealed that the average score of students’ vocabulary mastery in pre-test was 49. This showed that students had lack of vocabulary mastery. Then, in post -test of cycle 1, the students’ average score got improvement.</p> <p><em>Keywords: Picture Word Inductive Model, Vocabulary Matery</em></p>2025-03-02T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 English Language Teaching Journal Racism in the Freedom Writers (2007): Van Dijk's Critical Discourse Analysis of Social Context and Social Ignition Dimensions2025-01-02T18:02:12+00:00Joko<p>This research analyzed racism in Freedom Writers (2007) through Van Dijk’s Critical Discourse Analysis framework, exploring societal influences, racial conflicts, and resolution strategies. The research revealed The Freedom Writers portrayed systemic racism through classroom discrimination, gang conflicts, and inequality. Using Van Dijk’s CDA, highlighted education and empathy as tools for change, with activities like the Line Game fostering unity. Empowerment through storytelling and linking struggles to global issues, such as the Holocaust, emphasized collective efforts for lasting systemic reform and social transformation.</p> <p><em>Keywords: Racism, Freedom Writers (2007, Van Dijk’s Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA), Social Context, Social Ignition.</em></p>2025-03-02T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 English Language Teaching Journal Learning in English Language Teaching: A Systemic Literature Review2024-12-10T10:11:37+00:00Muhammad Arba'inarbainforty40@gmail.comNur<p>The world of education has a new trend in terms of learning methods, namely flipped learning. This approach is famous for its new habits due to the Covid-19. The challenge of using flipped learning in the teaching learning process, especially English Language Teaching is a research topic which is interested by researcher around the world. Several literature reviews show the implementation and the benefit of flipped learning in the class, especially English class. This systemic literature review carefully analyzes 16 articles related to the use of flipped learning in general and specifically learning English from 2018 to 2023. This study aims to provide an overview of the implementation and benefits of using the Flipped Learning method in English language teaching. The research method used is systemic literature review which identifies, evaluates, and synthesizes research that is relevant to the flipped learning in English language teaching. Finding from previous studies are shown in the table for better knowledge understanding. The results of this study agree the subsequent research where flipped learning brings benefits to learning English in the class. Based on the results of this study, educators may use the Flipped Learning to increase students learning independence and better learning outcomes.</p> <p><em>Keywords:</em><em> Flipped Learning; English Language Teaching; Systemic Literature Review</em></p>2025-03-02T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 English Language Teaching Journal Impact of Pesantren Environment on MBKM Implementation: ELT Student’<p>This study aims at examining how pesantren environment become obstacles for ELT student in the implementation of MBKM at University of al Qolam Malang. Based on qualitative method employed using interview it is discovered three challenges in terms of obtaining permission to observe Gus at the <em>pesantren</em>, the use of communication technology, specifically social media, which respondent need to use in order to continue communicating with their classmates and lecturers regarding lectures, and time management, as the requirements of MBKM often conflicted with their regular schedule.</p> <p><em>Key terms: MBKM, Pesantren, ELT</em></p>2025-03-02T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 English Language Teaching Journal Environmental Impact on Children’s Language Development 2025-02-12T19:05:47+00:00Naily Inayatul Maghfirah nailymasrur@gmail.comIrfan<p>The environment is a factor that has a considerable influence on children’s language development. Because with the environment, they can continue the routine as well without feeling difficulties. The stimulation that a child gets through the environment influences the child's language development. Stimulation that is received slowly will affect the child's language development. The role of parents is very important in guiding and teaching children. The family is the first and foremost environment in child development. Parents really need to understand these steps. Development according to the age of a child's cognitive development will be able to influence his development, this is related to his success or delay in thinking and communicating with a child who is said to be slow in speaking can affect the ability to connect in everyday life personally or socially. So that children have no difficulty learning to socialize and other work activities when they grow up. Factors that can affect children's language development include the following: Brain development and intelligence, Gender, physical condition, Family environment, Economic conditions, Regional social/cultural settings, Bilingualism (2 languages).</p> <p><em>Keywords: the role of environment, children's Language development</em></p>2025-03-02T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 English Language Teaching Journal