Language Teaching Journal Systems<p>English Language Teaching Journal is a journal which covers any research result on teaching and learning education area which is under English Education Department supervision of University of AL-Qolam Malang.</p> <p>This Journal covers the area of Teaching learning in Indonesia and the science of Teaching Learning at English Education in such areas of First and Second Language Teaching and Learning, Language in Education, Language Planning, Language Testing, Curriculum Design and Development, Multilingualism and Multilingual Education, Discourse Analysis, Systemic and Functional Grammar, Translation, Prose Analysis, Drama Analysis and Poetry Analysis.</p> <p>This journal publishes articles biannually in September and March.</p> ENGLISH WRITING WITH AI: UNLOCK THE POWER OF QUILLBOT2024-07-05T15:26:03+00:00Galuh Safridagaluhsafrida@gmail.comDesi<p><strong>Abstract</strong><br />This research aims to determine the role of QuillBot as one of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in enhancing students’ writing skills. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is an advanced technology that can make a person's work easier. AI has a significant impact in various fields, such as education. Therefore, AI technology can assist students in completing their assignments. One such application is QuillBot, which aids students in improving their English writing. This research employed qualitative research using a questionnaire distributed via Google Forms. The findings indicate that Quillbot is beneficial for the students. It improves their paraphrasing skills, grammar, and vocabulary. This article is essential because readers can learn about the usefulness of AI applications, especially QuillBot, in writing English. It is also hoped that this research can encourage the adoption of similar technologies to support the learning process in various fields.</p> <p><em>Keywords:</em><em> English Writing, AI, Paraphrasing tool, QuillBot</em></p>2024-09-15T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 English Language Teaching Journal DIGITAL GAME BASED LEARNING TO TEACH ENGLISH FOR YOUNG LEARNERS: TEACHER’S VIEW2024-06-25T11:22:29+00:00Aida Fitrianah<p>Digital Game-Based Learning (DGBL) has gained significant popularity in Teaching English to Young Learners (TEYL) due to its potential to enhance student engagement and motivation. This article explores the teacher's view of the use of DGBL in TEYL. Several areas of the study such the different of conventional and digtal game for teaching EYL, lesson plan, and the use of Agenda web and duolingo as the digital platform in teaching DGBL obtained from the deepper interview. Support for future research are suggest in the conclusion.</p> <p><em>Keywords: DGBL, TEYL, Teacher’s view</em></p>2024-09-15T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 English Language Teaching Journal FOR TRANSFORMATIONAL LEADERSHIP IN EDUCATION: A SYSTEMATIC LITERATURE REVIEW2024-07-28T19:44:49+00:00Khabib<p>The research is dedicated to figure out the application of face-saving oleh transformational leadership dalam dunia pendidikan and to know the strategies of face-saving used by transformational leadership dalam dunia pendidikan di Indonesia. Hal ini menjadi penting dilakukan karena seorang pemimpin transformasional diharuskan untuk memberi contoh dan motivasi kepada bawahannya sehingga perlu selalu menjaga kehormatan dan marwahnya. Dengan metode Systematic Literature Review (SLR), this research collected around 200 articles and included 10 of them in the research to answer the questions and figure out the answers. Result of this research shown that there is a little to none of research in education in Indoenesia discussed about the topic. This will lead to a wide chance for future researchers to conduct research on this topic. It is also found that face-saving will benefit the transformational leader by increasing the creativity of the followers but also showing that the transformational leader is not an anti-critique person. Meanwhile, the strategies that are applicable for the leader when she/he gets critique are contradicting, withdrawing, repairing, dan emphasizing.</p> <p><span class="s27"><span class="bumpedFont15">K</span></span><span class="s27"><span class="bumpedFont15">ey</span></span><span class="s27"><span class="bumpedFont15">words:</span></span> <span class="s27"><span class="bumpedFont15">face-saving, </span></span><span class="s27"><span class="bumpedFont15">transformational leader, education</span></span></p>2024-09-15T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 English Language Teaching Journal OF TEACHER’S STRATEGY IN TEACHING SPEAKING SKILLS TO STUDENTS AT MA MODERN NURUL-AMIN2024-06-10T16:18:02+00:00Mukhlisin muhammadyassin369@gmail.comMuhammad Yassinmuhammadyassin369@gmail.comDewi Ismu<p>English is an imperative skill to understand because it has a dominant part in almost the current field in globalization contexts such as in media, technology, science, business, and education. This study was conducted to know the strategies were used by the teacher in teaching speaking skills to students at MA Modern Nurul-Amin Kubu Padi. The subjects of this research were students and the English teacher at MA Modern Nurul-Amin. In conducting the research, the researcher constructs a descriptive qualitative approach. Then, the data were collected through observation checklist, field note and interviews, as well as by questionnaires. The observation checklist and field note were conducted at MA Modern Nurul-Amin during the learning process. Meanwhile, the interviews were conducted with students and the English teacher. Additionally, the questionnaires were distributed to students and the English teacher as the additional or a proponent data of the research. Then, the data were analyzed qualitatively. The findings showed that there were several strategies used by teacher in teaching English speaking skills, the strategies were debate, speech, English class conversation, role play, and group discussion. Moreover, the mostly strategies used by teacher was debate, speech, English class conversation, and group discussion in different level.</p> <p><strong><em>Keywords</em></strong> : <em>Teacher’s Strategy, Students’ Speaking Skills, Analysis of Teaching</em></p>2024-09-15T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 English Language Teaching Journal THE WORDS “DISTANCE” AND “DISTANCING” DURING THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC2024-08-31T13:35:14+00:00Moh Kavin Shofi<p>COVID-19 is a plague that has become a pandemic for the world. Necessary, many researchers who conduct research to understand about COVID-19, both medical and other scientific disciplines such as language science. The purpose of this study is to find out whether there is a contextualization of the words DISTANCE and DISTANCING with SOCIAL kolokat. For this reason, the mixed method is used to obtain coherent results. The results of this study indicate that the T-score of DISTANCING 16.1 and DISTANCE -14. This shows that the word SOCIAL is more commonly used with the word DISTANCING in corpora. The second finding is a re-contextualization of the word DISTANCING in the negative direction.</p> <p><span class="s24"><span class="bumpedFont15">Keywords:</span></span> <span class="s24"><span class="bumpedFont15">Corpus-Based Analysis, Critical Strategies, COVID-19, Recontextualization</span></span></p>2024-09-15T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 English Language Teaching Journal IN THE FREEDOM WRITERS MOVIE BY RICHARD LAGRAVENESE: A CRITICAL DISCOURSE ANALYSIS PERSPECTIVE2024-09-12T01:28:53+00:00Siti Nurrotul<p><strong>Abstract</strong></p> <p>Racism is not the strange topic anymore for the people worldwide. The idea of racism is the exclusion of a group of individuals according to their race or ethnicity. One of the movies that raised this theme is The Freedom Writers. This movie is an American biographical drama movie written and directed by Richard LaGravenese in 2007. This study will identify racism using Van Dijk's Critical Discourse Analysis theory in the text dimension as reflected in The Freedom Writers movie. This study is a descriptive qualitative approach using Teun A. Van Dijk's Critical Discourse Analysis and only focus on text dimension (Macro Structure, Superstructure, and Microstructure). The main theme in the movie is the struggle against racism through education with the sub-theme of education as a tool of social change, highlighting Erin Gruwell's efforts to overcome racial divisions in her classroom through innovative teaching methods. The movie's structure begins with exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, and resolution that illustrate the challenges and successes in changing attitudes and promoting inclusivity in Erin's classroom. In this study, 11 texts in the scenes were found to contain elements of racism such as racial discrimination and systemic injustice, structural racism, negative stereotyping, and ignorance of context. Racism can cause traumatizing, violent effects on individuals, anger and irritation, and others.</p> <p><em>Keywords: Racism, Education, The Freedom Writers Movie, Van Dijk’s CDA</em></p> <p> </p>2024-09-15T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 English Language Teaching Journal