IFLS-5, Happiness, Religiosity, Logit, MuslimAbstract
This study provides a different view of the determinants of happiness. In principle, happiness is driven by economic factors and each individual's perspective in assessing his life, which is more subjective. Therefore, the religiosity factor is also considered to have an essential role in encouraging one's happiness. This study aims to empirically prove the role of religiosity in the happiness of Muslims in Indonesia. This quantitative research approach uses data from the 5th Indonesia Family Life Survey (IFLS-5). This study applied a logistic regression model and took 767 respondents. The results show that religiosity, implemented by piety/obedience and recitation, is empirically proven to increase Indonesian Muslims' happiness. In addition, economic factors represented by income also play a role in increasing happiness. Other results show that individual characteristics such as higher education, marital status, and gender impact happiness. Meanwhile, age does not affect happiness.
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