Focus and Scope

Juraliansi Journal is a peer reviewed annually scientific journal aimed at publishing research results conducted by the researchers and academician of teaching and learning of education areas in the form of articles. This journal is published since November 2019 by early childhood Islamic education of study programe from Tarbiyah Faculty of IAI Al-Qolam


This journal is focused on discussing the the following scope: A discussion of the specification of research content in the scientific field of education for early childhood in factually and critically as the specify from the development of the main topics consisting of pesantren based islamic education, curicullum of education, the learning methods, the learning planning that models, the psychology education, the development of learning media, The learning strategies, and the learning evaluation of early childhood islamic education. In addition, the results of the study are expected to become reference as the quality of education and development of children in understanding, applying, implementating, analyzing, evaluating and developing relating of problems in the world early childhood islamic education.