About the Journal
Tinta Journal is first published in March 2019 by the online ISSN: 2656-505X, and printed ISSN: 2657-0416). This Journal covers any research result on teaching and learning education area which is under Tarbiyah Faculty supervision of Al-Qolam University Malang. Tinta Journal Grade Sinta 5, Acredited (2020-2025) by Kemenristek Decree 0041/E5.3/HM.01.00/2023, 28 Januari 2023 in 2024, Jurnal Tinta: Journal of Teacher Training and Education signed an MoU with the Indonesian Islamic Tarbiyah Lecturers Association (PDTII) https://pdtii.org/kolaborasi-jurnal/
This Journal covers the area of Teaching learning in Indonesia and the science of Teaching Learning at educational system in such areas of teaching science, teaching social knowledge, teaching language, teaching religion, teaching culture and teaching technology and publishes articles biannually in March and September.
Tinta Journal uses OJS system by PKP on the website: http://ejournal.alqolam.ac.id/index.php/jurnaltinta
The focus of this journal cover on the following scope: theory of education, curriculum of education, history of education, management of education, psycology of education and antropology of education.