Tawaran Tafsir Alquran Abdullah Saeed


  • zainuddin fanani
  • Juliansyah Institut Agama Islam Negeri Pontianak Kalimantan Barat



Methodology, Contextual Interpretation, Abdullah Saeed, Alquran,, 21st Century


The reconstruction effort on interpretation continues to be carried out with various methods and approaches. This reflection then causes various Muslim and non-Muslim intellectuals to compete in interpreting Al-Qur'anic text. The purpose of this research is to find out Abdullah Saeed's contextual interpretation methodology in Al-Qur'an 21st Century. This research uses the book of Abdullah Saeed's entitled "Islamic Thought; An Introduction ", supported by other literature. In general, the four operational steps of Abdullah Saeed's contextual interpretation: 1) identifying initial considerations by understanding the subjectivity of the interpreter, constructing language and meaning and the world of the Al-Qur’an (encounter with the world of texts); 2) begin the task of interpretation by identifying the original intent of the text and believing the authenticity and reliability of the text (critical analysis of the text independently); 3) identify the meaning of the text by exploring each context (meaning for the first recipient; 4) linking the interpretation of the text to the current context (the contextualization process, the meaning for the moment). If the Al-Qur'an is said to be "according the time and place" the understanding is not what is written in the Al-Qur'an carried out anytime and anywhere, but must be adapted to space and time. This does not reduce the degree of Al- Qur'an, but makes the benefit of the people.


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How to Cite

fanani, zainuddin and Juliansyah (2020) “METODOLOGI PENAFSIRAN KONTEKSTUAL ABAD 21: : Tawaran Tafsir Alquran Abdullah Saeed ”, Jurnal Penelitian Ilmiah INTAJ, 3(2), pp. 92–121. doi: 10.35897/intaj.v3i2.255.


